Added 1891 days ago. 22 November 2019
Thank you for shopping with us, we hope that you enjoy your meals! We love getting feedback from you, which is why we’ve partnered with the online review community, Trustpilot, to collect reviews about your overall experience of our meals and service.
We hope that you had a great experience shopping with us! We've partnered with the online review community, Trustpilot, to collect reviews about your experience of our food & service. If you can, we'd really apprecaite it if you could leave a review about us on Trustpilot page by clicking the button below!
Quick Start Guide
To leave a review about us once you're on our Trustpilot page, click on the star rating that you think we have earned, or alternatively click on the "Write a review" button (which we've highlighted in our picture).
You'll then be taken to a page where you can write your opinion and leave us your star rating. Your review will then be published immediately and available for other people to look at. Thank you for your support!